The Australian Writers' Guild makes regular submissions to government inquiries on matters impacting Australian writers and the creative industries. To read our latest submissions, see below.
In June 2024, the AWG and AWGACS made a joint submission to the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training Inquiry into the Digital Transformation of Workplaces.
The AWG's submission addressed the need for urgent regulation of the use of AI.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2024, the AWG made a joint submission with AWGACS, the Australian Screen Editors Guild, the Australian Production Design Guild and the Australian Cinematographers Society to the Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence.
The AWG's submission addressed the need for urgent regulation of the use of AI, arguing that the unregulated use of AI by corporate content producers, including the major international studios and major video game publishers, and, more recently, local production companies, represents a threat to Australian creative work. Our submission also laid out a framework for the safe and responsible use of AI.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2024, the AWG made a submission to the Treasure Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024.
The submission covered proposed changes to the 'producer tax offset' and the SAC test.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2024, the AWG and AWGACS made an additional joint submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications Inquiry into the National Cultural Policy.
The submission followed AWG and AWGACS' appearance at the public hearing on 16 April 2024, and addressed statements made during the hearing in relation to the screen industry.
To read our full submission, see here.
In November 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a joint submission alongside the Australian Cinematographers Society, Australian Screen Editors and the Australian Directors' Guild Targeted Stakeholder Consultation Paper on Refined Models for SVOD regulation.
To read our full submission, see here.
In December 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a submission to the Fair Work Commission's Modern Awards Review in the Arts and Culture stream.
The submission covered which awards cover workers and the minimum standards in the arts and culture sector.
To read our full submission, see here.
In October 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a submission to the Parliament of New South Wales Premier and Finance Inquiry into Artificial Intelligence.
The submission addressed risks associated with the unregulated use of AI in the creative industries.
To read our full submission, see here.
In August 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a submission to the Create NSW consultation on A New Look at Culture.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a joint submission with the Australian Screen Industry Guilds to the Australian Screen Content Requirements on Streaming Services Consultation Form.
To read our full submission, see here.
In March 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a joint submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications Inquiry into the National Cultural Policy.
The submission addressed risks associated with the unregulated use of AI in the creative industries.
To read our full submission, see here.
In February 2023, the AWG and AWGACS made a joint submission with the Australian Directors' Guild to the consultation into Regulation of Online Media Service Providers.
To read our full submission, see here.
In January 2023, the AWG made a submission to the discussion paper on Treasury Laws Amendment Bill (2022 Measures no. 4) on the Digital Games Tax Offset.
The submission made the following recommendations:
(a) Lowering the qualifying expenditure from $500,000 to $250,000;
(b) Incentivising professional development of emerging and mid-career local talent;
(c) Incentivising accessibility features;
(d) Incentivising the employment of Australian talent in key creative positions;
(e) Clarifying whether Screen Australia funding grants and the DGTO are mutually exclusive;
(f) Offering a more robust definition of “completed game”;
(g) Creating fulsome and detailed public guidelines that inform the relevance test;
(h) Prohibiting games with “loot boxes”, gambling/gambling simulation games, and games that engage in predatory design elements relating to in-app purchases from accessing the DGTO.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2022, the AWG and AWGACS made a submission to the discussion paper on Streaming Services reporting and Investment Schemes.
The paper outlined six key positions, including regulation that requires eligible SVOD and AVOD services to reinvest 20% of Australian-sourced revenue into commissioning new Australian content.
To read our full submission, see here.
In August 2021, the AWG made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications regarding the Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 5) Bill 2021.
The AWG's submission addressed proposed changes to the Non-feature film Producer Offset rate, the QAPE threshold for the Producer Offset and the ‘Gallipoli clause'.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2021, the AWG and Australian Directors' Guild made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications regarding the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures) Bill No. 1.
The AWG's submission addressed the government's consideration of regulation of SVOD and AVOD services.
To read our full submission, see here.
In May 2021, the AWG made a submission to the ‘Modernising television regulation in Australia’ Media Reform Green Paper.
The AWG recommended the following:
To read our full submission, see here.
In December 2020, the AWG made a submission to the ACMA's consultation into changes to Australian Content and Children's Television.
The AWG recommended that:
To read our full submission, please see AWG submission to Australian Content and Children's Television Consultation.
In October 2020, the AWG made a submission to the 'Australia’s creative and cultural industries and institutions' Inquiry, undertaken by the House Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts.
The submission covered the following:
To read our full submission, please see AWG submission to Australia’s creative and cultural industries and institutions inquiry.
In July 2020, the AWG made a submission to the ‘Supporting Australian stories on our screens’ Options Paper, which proposes a new support framework for Australian stories in a multi-platform environment.
The Options Paper was co-authored by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and Screen Australia, in response to the Government’s request following the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry.
To achieve a robust Australian screen industry, with adequate development, funding and promotion of local content across platforms, the Australian Writers’ Guild recommends the following:
To read our full submission, please see the AWG submission to the Supporting Australian Stories on our Screens Option Paper.
In February 2018, the AWG made a submission to the Inquiry on Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services.
The AWG submission argued that the government should, through policy intervention, promote and defend Australian culture by supporting Australian screen content. It submitted that the current regulatory framework is fit for purpose, but that it must be updated to be platform-neutral and to create parity between the commercial broadcasters and online content providers, both foreign and domestic, and these claims were supported through two key arguments.
To read our full submission, please see AWG submission to the Inquiry on Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services.
In September 2017, the AWG made a preliminary submission to the Australian and Children’s Screen Content Review requesting that they consider the following:
To read our full submission, please see AWG Submission – Australian and Children’s Screen Content Review
In February 2017, the House Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts announced an inquiry into Factors Contributing to the growth and sustainability of the Australian film and television industry.
In March 2017, the AWG made a preliminary submission to the Committee requesting that the Standing Committee consider the following:
Through consultation and collaboration with the Committee and the current government, the AWG will continue to fight for a stronger and more sustainable film and television industry which enables writers and all those engaged within it (not just the producers who are already supported by Screen Australia and the state funding bodies) to better compete for investment and success on the global stage.
To read our full submission, please see AWG submission – Growth & Sustainability Inquiry 20170331.
Other publicly available submissions can be found at:
In its submission to the Productivity Commission’s public inquiry, the Australian Writers’ Guild said the industry has outgrown the current copyright system, which provides insufficient protection to performance writers. The AWG is calling for copyright reform to enshrine a right to fair remuneration for authors through an inalienable and unwaivable remuneration right to fair remuneration for the success of their work.
Read our submission and follow up to the Commission’s Draft Report below:
AWG-AWGACS submission to Productivity Commission – 30 November 2015
More information about the Productivity Commission’s Public Inquiry:
Productivity Commission recommendations could cripple Australia’s creative industries
To read our full submission, please see Australia Council budget cuts 2014-2015
AWG response to NPEA Guidelines 2015
Australian Writers’ Guild Submission to Senate Inquiry 2015
Convergence Review