PWA Board releases REA consulting review

17 February, 2020

The Board of Playwriting Australia has today released A Consolidated Vision for Plays and Playwriting in Australiathe final report from the third-party review into the future of the organisation and play and playwright development in Australia.
The review was conducted in late 2019 by RE? Consulting and called for public submissions from playwrights, the wider theatre sector and other stakeholders to consider the most effective and sustainable model of supporting play development while offering support to playwrights.
The review includes 33 recommendations, including that Playwriting Australia merge with Australian Plays to establish a new national entity to discover, develop and publish new Australian works.

In accordance with the Review recommendations, the PWA Board has agreed to immediately implement the transitional governance arrangements. Theatre and festival director David Berthold will commence as Executive Chair on Wednesday 19 February. He will be supported by a small interim board and current staff.

Copies of the RE? Consulting Review, A Consolidated Vision for Plays and Playwriting in Australia, are available for download here.
The Australian Writers’ Guild is currently reviewing the report and will publish a response in coming days. Following the extensive research we have conducted over recent months, we will continue to consult with our playwright members to inform our response to these recommendations. We thank you all for your engagement in this process.