The AWG Pathways Program was developed to provide a channel for great projects from our AWG members to reach industry professionals looking for high-quality new scripts.
Since its inception in 2010, Pathways has enabled industry professionals to access synopses of these selected scripts via the Pathways portal and then seek contact with the writer of a script that has piqued their interest.
Pathways has been highly successful in forging of relationships between members who want to see their scripts produced, and industry professionals who want to access great projects and screenwriters, and has now evolved into Pathways Showcase.
Pathways Showcase is a collection of peer-reviewed projects identified through various competitions, awards and initiatives as being of a particularly high standard. All projects on Pathways Showcase have been through a judging panel selection process. Currently, entry to Pathways Showcase is via the AWG competition program.
These projects and their writers are showcased on the Pathways portal and will continue to enjoy the benefits of the Pathways Program.
View the Pathways website here
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