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Win! Producer offset for feature film is retained

The Australian Writers' Guild celebrates Communications Minister Paul Fletcher's announcement that the feature film producer offset will be retained at 40%. Last September, the Morrison Government indicated that it would be reduced to 30% and harmonised with the TV offset, which will increase from 20%. This is a win for the industry and for our writer-producer members.

AWG at Parliament House

Last week, Australian Writers' Guild President Shane Brennan and former President Jan Sardi AO campaigned at Parliament House, Canberra, for the protection of Australian feature film production and the overdue regulation of streaming services. They lobbied alongside industry leaders and representatives from SPA, MEAA and ADG, under the banner of Make It Australian.

Screen creatives visit Canberra to call for action on local content

Leading Australian actors, crew, writers and producers are in Canberra this week in a united push to convince Parliament to introduce local content requirements for booming digital viewing platforms and make other necessary reforms to ensure a bright future for Australian screen stories.

Actors make it four in a row with Entertainment Ashes win

It was a scaled down affair due to some pandemic or other, but the ancient tradition of writers and actors battling with bats (and balls) continued for a 40th year on Sunday 28 February at Princes Park, with the MEAA team comfortably retaining The Credit, but with the AWG putting up a strong fight and battling right til the end.
